LABEL R&C carries Quali and Quanti research methodologies among B2B and B2C audiences using online and offline technics on modular services basis
LABEL Research & Consulting is an independent market research and fieldwork agency based in Paris, France. We are one of the fast growing and innovative agencies in France. Developing cutting edge and cost efficient methodologies tailored on the clients specific needs. Our team forms a healthy mix of linguistic, cultural and knowledge skills, which helps us providing the best solutions to your market research or fieldwork project. Our services cover all key regions of France. Furthermore, we have capabilities in other countries.
The LABEL R&C team has developed extensive expertise in marketing research design and management in many sectors. Check our Healthcare, B2B and Consumer Insights pages to explore what we can do for you in these sectors.
As a client of LABEL R&C, you can modular the services you need at your own choice. You can either trust us the whole procedure from survey conception up to results charting or presentation. If you already know what you want, but need our support getting it done, we can intervene at any stage you need us to do through your research project: such as script programming, research fieldworking, data processing, analysis or even survey translation and recruitment. Our Fieldwork pages explain what we can do.
Concept tests provide essential insights for designing a product or service. This technique allows you to better focus on product characteristics which have a direct impact on your customer preferences. Thus it improves your product or service market match. LABEL R&C can provide a couple of methods of concept testing. Each has different goals and can provide different benefits : Concept of a new product : To identify the most important benefits to your customers and characteristics those are most likely to create those benefits. You need to identify and prioritize customer needs for product development and promotion. This type of concept test can also test customer initial reactions to the concept (Reaction and Adoption Test). Product Upgrade Tests : Modifications and upgrades can create new life to already existing products and services. With a product upgrade test, identifying the optimal bundle of characteristics is a priority. It is critical to differentiate and prioritize the release of new features that are [need to haves] vs. [nice to haves] so you can create products and services that are truly [new and improved], or worthy of a new release or upgrade.
A marketer should evaluate continuously the satisfaction of its customers. A survey which indicates what he is doing right or where he is going wrong, should be benefic to the development of your product or service. Such informal feedback is valuable in any company but hard to formalize and control. Thus surveys are necessary to measure and track customer satisfaction. The customer satisfaction measurement tools choice depends on the object targeted: If a product targeted in example, we evaluate its design, quality, length of live and market price and value for money. If we have to evaluate a staff or service, we assess for example the customer or technical service and reliability.
The success of your new product or service depends on how it fits to customers needs and how it fills a demand in the market place. Thus, it is important to gather all essential information and insights from targeted clients prior launching a new product at commercial volumes. By understanding what your audience finds important, you will be able to decide on how to best promote your launch. You will understand the best manner to use for advertisements, as well as any concerns your audience has that you can address and alleviate. LABEL R&C can carry out quantitative or qualitative studies to identify if your product were suit to the market and to from you fixed objectives or should you modify certain elements to get better results.
Defining a price for its product or service is one of the most important decisions for any company. There are many market research techniques that are important to determine the best price point for a product. The aim is to find what your customers is willing to pay for your product. At LABEL R&C, we are using almost quantitative research methods to evaluate the strengths and weakness of your price strategy: Monadic Price Testing Sequential Price Testing
Discover below own developed research methods:
Own Recruitment
Recruitment from client's list
Redirects to web
Reporting & Analysis
Full Report in English
Intermediate Report in English
Top-line in English
Summary in English
Debrief Moderator
DP & programing
Raw data in Excel
Raw data in SPSS
Raw data in ASCII
Translation English<>French
Survey material translation
English full transcription
Simultaneous translation